makes customer service easy.

Customer service is evolving. More than 93% of Australian’s and New Zealanders now own a smartphone and 5G mobile broadband is almost everywhere. In the 17 years since the smartphone was launched, we’ve seen huge changes in how customers choose to engage services across every industry.

For instance, when did you last call to order a taxi or a pizza delivery?

Mobile customer experiences have transformed almost every facet of our lives from travel to banking, to grocery shopping. Customers today expect on-demand digital service experiences.

Is your business still running on diesel and phone calls?


Growing aftersales and customer services

Whether your business sells machinery, maintains assets, or provides any kind of service centred around an asset, a facility or a location, makes it easier to communicate and serve your customer’s needs efficiently.

A lot of companies want to grow this part of their business but are unsure how to do it. is the answer. By making it easy for your customers to connect with your services when they need them, or by proactively reminding them when service is due.

If you want to increase service bookings, or win more parts sales, or simply serve your customers more efficiently and with unbeatable convenience helps you attract and win more service revenue with lower cost and effort.

Why use QR tags?

QR codes have revolutionised the way businesses interact with customers, providing an efficient and user-friendly solution for various service-related tasks. According to recent studies, 67% of consumers have scanned a QR code, highlighting the widespread acceptance of this technology (Source: MobileIron). A 2021 study by Insider Intelligence found that 75% of respondents wanted to use QR codes more in the future.

By incorporating QR tags into your asset management processes, you can enjoy numerous benefits:

QR codes eliminate manual data entry errors, ensuring accurate and reliable asset information. Simply scan the code to retrieve and update essential details instantly, saving time and improving data quality.

Customers can report breakdowns or problems by scanning QR codes with their smartphones. This quick and hassle-free process reduces downtime and enables prompt issue resolution, enhancing customer satisfaction.

QR codes simplify the onboarding process for customers. No need to download a specific mobile app or create an account beforehand. A simple scan grants immediate access to essential features, promoting a smooth and user-friendly experience.

By integrating QR codes into asset management, you can streamline various operations. This includes tracking equipment location, accessing service history, certification logbooks, proof of delivery, and pre/post-hire inspection reports. Such easy access to crucial information empowers customers to make informed decisions quickly.

QR codes provide a modern and convenient way for customers to engage with your business. Whether it’s retrieving equipment information, accessing your services, or submitting feedback, QR codes offer a seamless and interactive experience that strengthens customer loyalty.

NeedMe Concept Hero Asset Detail

Why use SMS?

Elevate Customer Engagement with SMS Messaging for Unparalleled Reach and Response Rates.

SMS messaging has emerged as a highly effective communication channel, enabling businesses to connect with customers in a direct and impactful way. In fact, studies reveal that SMS messages have an impressive 98% open rate and a 45% response rate, surpassing other customer contact methods like email (Source: SMS Comparison). Embracing SMS messaging can bring a host of benefits to your customer engagement strategy:

With SMS, your messages are delivered directly to your customers’ mobile devices, ensuring high visibility and instant attention. Unlike email, which can get lost in crowded inboxes, SMS messages are more likely to be noticed and acted upon promptly.

SMS offers unparalleled immediacy, allowing you to reach customers instantly. The average response time for an SMS message is only 90 seconds, making it ideal for time-sensitive promotions, updates, or urgent communications (Source: Mobile Marketing Watch).

SMS boasts exceptional response rates compared to other communication methods. Customers are more likely to engage and respond to SMS messages promptly, facilitating two-way communication and enabling you to gather valuable feedback or drive specific actions.

SMS allows you to personalize your messages and tailor them to individual customer preferences. By segmenting your audience and delivering relevant content, you can create a more personalized and impactful customer experience. SMS messaging offers unparalleled convenience for both businesses and customers. It provides direct, dedicated links to online service experiences that save time and make it easier for service providers and customers to work together and stay up-to-date.

Why use IoT? provides a comprehensive range of Internet of Things devices (often called GPS trackers). IoT devices activate real-time connectivity with assets and can be applied to almost any kind of asset; fixed or mobile, indoors or outdoors, powered or unpowered.

QR tags provide a passive form of asset connectivity which updates asset information when scanned by a user’s smartphone or device. IoT makes asset connectivity automatic and allows equipment users and service providers to stay up-to-date with asset use and condition monitoring without any manual intervention.

The range of IoT devices provides special advantages:

Most of our devices are designed for easy installation you can do yourself.

Our IoT device range provides increasing capability so you can start with a good solution at a lower cost and upgrade to a better device at a higher cost if you choose. But you can also transfer devices to other assets. This flexibility allows you to add value to equipment as needed.

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